5 Signs That You Need To Drink More Water Immediately

The fact that the human body is 60% water tells us a lot about the importance of keeping your body hydrated at all times. According to scientists, our organs, muscles, blood and every tissue consists more than 60% water which we lose through urination and even through breathing.

Medical experts explain that on daily basis we should drink between 6-8 glasses of water, but the average is only 2 cups a day. Scientific studies showed that for optimal hydration, male persons should drink 3 liters (12 cups) and females 2.2 liters of water per a day.

If you don’t drink enough water throughout the day, your organism will start sending certain warning signals. These are 10 most common warning signs that you are not drinking enough water:

1. Your Urine is Dark Yellow

Change in the color of your urine is one of the first sings that indicate that you are not drinking enough water. Generally speaking, the urine should have a light yellow-amber color. If you are not drinking enough water, your kidneys will start excreting substantially higher concentration of waste products (toxins, dead blood cells, proteins, etc) in your urine that should be removed from your organism and that will result in noticeably darker urine.

In addition to that, your urine may become darker after taking certain medications, B-Vitamins, beets, blackberries, asparagus or food coloring. Therefore, if you notice a temporary change in the color of your urine, first you should consider if you have consumed something that could have impact on the color of your urine. Also, you need to increase the water intake and observe if your urine color becomes lighter. In case if the color of your urine stays dark for a long period of time, you should be aware of the fact that it could be a sign of more severe health issue such as hepatitis or gallstones.

2. Your Urine Output is Reduced

Medical experts explain that people should urinate between 6-7 times within a 24-hour period. If you don’t drink enough water, your organism will have less fluid available to replace the fluids that are excreted from the body. In order to prevent dehydration, your kidneys will retain as much fluid as possible. So, if you urinate less than 6 times a day, you should start drinking more water.

3. Constipation

One of the most common causes of constipation is dehydration and by increasing the water intake you can solve this issue. Namely, if you are not drinking enough water, your organism will try to absorb water from wherever it can, including from your colon. You should keep in mind that in order to have soft and easy-to-pass stools you should drink sufficient amount of water. It is completely naturally, lack of water to cause harder stools that are quite difficult to pass.

Therefore, in order to prevent and treat constipation, you need to consume adequate amounts of water. Also, make sure that you are consuming fiber that is contained in fruit and veggies. Other causes of constipation are physical inactivity, hypothyroidism, intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis, food sensitivities as well as stress. So, if you are drinking enough water, you should visit doctor and solve the issue.

4. Your skin is dry and wrinkles are more defined

In order to keep the skin soft and smooth, many women rely on various expensive moisturizers and products. There are numerous treatments and procedures that are expensive and supposedly reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. But, before you decide to go to the cosmetics saloon, you should increase the water intake.

As Dr. Diana Howard explains, dehydration may cause irritation, inflammation, unpleasant itching and sensitive skin. In more severe cases, the skin may flake and scale or even become severely red with ugly cracks and bleeds. When your skin loses its moisture, the cells shrivel and consequently wrinkles appear. Lack of water makes the wrinkles appear more defined and that makes the skin look older. Undoubtedly, the best way to revitalize your skin is to nourish by drinking plenty of water.

5. Hunger and Weight Gain

Human organism is intrinsically smart but it has a small glitch – it doesn’t know the difference between thirst and hunger. Medical experts explain that the hypothalamus, part of human brain that is responsible for regulation of hunger and thirst, sometimes gets confused and that causes hunger pangs in response to thirst. All of you should be aware of the fact that reaching for unhealthy snack instead of glass of water eventually will lead to weight gain.

People who want to maintain or people who are trying to lose weight should consume adequate amounts of water. Next time before you feel hungry and decide to grab a snack, first drink a glass of water. If you feel hungry even after 10-15 minutes, it is true hunger and you definitely should eat.

5 Signs That You Need To Drink More Water Immediately 5 Signs That You Need To Drink More Water Immediately Reviewed by on 09:13:00 Rating: 5
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