A Technique To Control Your Dreams Has Been Verified For The First Time
A technique that induces lucid dreaming has been confirmed and it is much more effective when it is combined with other similar techniques. During the trial, more than half of the participants have experienced lucid dreaming which is a record-breaking success rate without using any external intervention.
Lucid dreaming is a state where the person is aware they are dreaming and has slight control over their dreams.
This was once considered a myth, however science has proven that lucid dreaming is real. Researchers have even discovered some methods to improve the prospects of people who experience this state. Some of these methods require the use of advanced equipment and others are far from reliable. Both are unfortunate because besides being enjoyable, lucid dreaming is a very efficient technique to control unhealthy behavior and heal trauma. Dr. Denholm Aspy from the University of Adelaide wanted to know if the combination of a few techniques will provide better results.
He showed the participants in the study how to practice techniques that induce lucid dreaming.
One of those techniques called reality testing teaches people to develop the habit of regularly checking to see if they are really awake. Other technique called mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD) includes setting alarms. The participants should wake up after five hours and when they wake up they should say “The next time I am dreaming; I will remember that I’m dreaming” before they go back to sleep. The practitioners of this technique should also imagine how it would be like to have a lucid dream.
Dr. Aspy reported in one journal that there was no benefit of using reality testing on its own. However, when combined with MILD it showed a 53% success rate of participants experiencing lucid dreaming during the trial and 17% success of lucid dreaming every night. He explained that this exceeded the results of every study performed so far including the interventions that detect REM sleep.
Since reality testing is not beneficial when performed alone, Dr. Aspy said that lucid dreaming is possible because of MILD. He also added that the results of this study was much better than previous studies using MILD even those that the inventor conducted.
About 55% of all people experience lucid dreaming at least once in their life, but this can be very rare. Dr. Aspy experienced one as a child which is why he became interested in examining this state. He changed his psychology PhD because he had a lucid dream the night before starting his doctorate.
Most of the people who have lucid dreams wake quickly at first, but after gaining experience in this area they can actually extend these dreams for up to one hour. Dr. Aspy is looking for volunteers to help in his future studies. He said that he wants to achieve quick results in his further efforts to treat problems such as nightmares.
A Technique To Control Your Dreams Has Been Verified For The First Time
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