Beer and Egg Mask Your Hair Will Grow and Never Fall
Millions of people struggle with hair loss and they spend fortune on expensive treatments and products just to keep their hair. These treatments and products are not always efficient which is why you should try natural remedies that can often provide much better results.
Hair loss is caused by many reasons some of these are: medical treatments, poor circulation of the scalp, medical problems, hormonal imbalances, among others. Today we tell you about some Beer and Egg Mask wonderful ingredients that together create the perfect combination of the care and prevention of hair loss. Take note, pay close attention, so that you can test the benefits that these ingredients bring to your hair, leaving it stronger and more careful.
Mask of beer and egg
You need:
Can of beer without alcohol
3 egg yolks
Look for a container with a good size where you can mix the ingredients comfortably.
Uncover the beer and place its contents in a glass and then stir until the most amount of gas is eliminated. Take the container and place the egg yolks in it, and add the beer little by little. Stir to incorporate the ingredients well. After stirring well, the result is the mask.
The procedure is similar to when we are going to dye the hair roots.
With a brush you must apply the mask little by little, the intention of this way of applying the mask is for all the roots to be soaked in it. What about to use it to wet the rest of the hair, you must cover the hair with a plastic cap, and let it act for 30 minutes, after this time you should wash the hair as usual.
The egg has excellent properties that benefit the hair, moisturizes and nourishes at depth.
The beer, in turn, is better than you might have thought, it contains hops and barley that protect the hair cells. This mascara for the hair, prevents the fall and increases growth eradicating this annoying problem, also provides brightness and softness, and all this thanks to its high content of vitamins group B.
Try this mask and share your favorable results.
Beer and Egg Mask Your Hair Will Grow and Never Fall
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