The Most Ignored Signs of Ovarian Cysts and How to Prevent Them

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs which can be caused by factors such as hormonal issues, pelvic infections, endometriosis, pregnancy etc. Although they are usually harmless and painless they can sometimes cause complications when they start to grow. Some of the issues caused by ovarian cysts include:

✦ abdominal bloating or swelling

✦ painful bowel movements

✦ pelvic pain before or during the menstrual cycle

✦ painful intercourse

✦ pain in the lower back or thighs

✦ breast tenderness

✦ nausea and vomiting

✦ Needing to urinate more often

✦ Unusual (not normal) vaginal bleeding

✦ Unexplained weight gain

Severe symptoms of an ovarian cyst that require immediate medical attention include:

✦ severe or sharp pelvic pain

✦ fever

✦ faintness or dizziness

✦ rapid breathing

But the good news is that instead of worrying about the cyst you can easily prevent it from ever happening.

1. Licorice

Just boil some water with licorice for 2 minutes. Cool down the remedy and drink it twice a day.

2. Heat

Fill a heat pad with warm water and apply to the belly and pelvis area for 15 to 20 minutes

3. Castor oil

Get a flannel cloth and make it folded 3 times. Must be this way to cover the whole belly. Put castor oil drops, fold and unfold. Lie down, put the towel under you and the pack on the belly and secure with plastic foil. Over this place warm water bottle and blanket. 3 times weekly each of 90 min session. For removal of excess skin oil, wash this area with 3 tbsp. baking soda and water, 4 cups. Never use this pack DURING period or in conceiving/ovulation times

4. Epsom bath

Set up a warm bath; add 1 cup of Epsom and 10 drops of any essential oil. Soak for 30 minutes everyday

5. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea really helps with tissues and relives pain. Mix 2 tablespoon dry chamomile tea in hot water and steep for 5 minutes. Then add a little hone and drink 3 times a day. This also helps you relax and enhances blood flow.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Acv contains potassium which helps to shrink the cysts. Add 1 tablespoon acv and 1 table spoon molasses in warm water and drink twice a day. This will help to sooth heavy bleeding and cramps.

7. Beet root

Mix ½ cup beet juice and 1 tbsp. aloe gel with some molasses every day, prior breakfast.

8. Birth control pills

These pills also reduce the chances of ovary cysts. To help you find out whether you have cysts, and to reduce the risk of cysts, visit your gynecologist regularly. In case of pain in the lower abdomen, get yourself checked.

There are many ways to find out if you have an ovary cyst such as the following.

1. Ultrasound

Cysts show up on an ultrasound, and you can be guided by the doctor on what to do.

2. Blood test

In case of a tumor, blood levels of CA125 (a protein) will be elevated. High CA125 levels could also mean the patient has ovarian cancer. If a woman develops an ovarian cyst that is partially solid, she may have ovarian cancer. High CA125 levels may also be present in other conditions, including endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.

3. Pregnancy test

A false positive pregnancy test may suggest the presence of cysts.

4. Laparoscopy

In this test the doctor inserts a thin instrument (laparoscope) into the abdomen through incision to find out if there are any ovarian cysts.
The Most Ignored Signs of Ovarian Cysts and How to Prevent Them The Most Ignored Signs of Ovarian Cysts and How to Prevent Them Reviewed by on 09:50:00 Rating: 5
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